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HANNA REITSCH/(1912 – 1979) German pilot. Reitsch was the first woman to fly a helicopter, a rocket plane, and a jet fighter. She is also remembered as being a loyal confidante of Adolf Hitler, even landing a small plane in central Berlin in an attempt to extract Hitler only days before the city fell. Great content in English, 1p. Frankfurt, March 4, 1972, responding to a previous letter, in part:”…I am just working on a new book, in which I will write about the true experiences, which I had in the ‘Bunker’ in Berlin, and about the falsifications, concerning the so called’Eye-witness-report of Hanna Reitsch’…There was never the idea to convince Adolf Hitler to fly to Berchtesgaden with me. In the moment when Gen. V. Greim and I reached the”Bunker” — such an idea would have been entirely crazy. I had not even heard a word about such a plan in the Bunker, because it didn’t exist!…You will find the same falsification of the’eyewitness-report’ made and published by the American CIC on the 5th of Dec 1945 in the books of Trevor-Roper and Shirer…” Reitsch signs at the conclusion in blue ink, making various edits and additions to the typed text with the same blue pen. Shows original mailing folds,